Thursday, November 17, 2005

Part of Bronwyn's art
Originally uploaded by happyhandpainter.

The show went off better than I could have ever hoped, thanks to help from my classmates (Michelle and Sher) and from Mark, my parents, and Professor Koenig. I got a lot of really positive remarks and ideas for how to improve the idea if I get the opportunity to do this again.

I did an underwater theme, with paintings of vague fish things sort of based on real creatures, but much of it coming out of my brain. I also knit and crocheted about 12 creatures, though I planned to make many more and still do.

I'll post better pictures as soon as I get a chance, ok? Speaking of making stuff, I'm gonna take a couple of hours today and work on Mark's sweater. It's only two weeks til his birthday and I want him to be able to wear it!! I also have to go get my emissions test and deposit some graduation money into savings (did you hear that, mom??) and of course... buy a little something for me. Probably enough Jaeger Luxury Tweed to make Salina from Rowan Vintage Knits, since I found a gal selling it for $2.50 a ball!!! And... maybe also some Peruvian Collection Baby Silk. But that's it! :)


knottygnome said...

wow, that looks really cool. are you going to have more photos of your show?